0 thoughts on “Dog Person”

  1. He’s gone to a great new home, so that’s keeping me happy. With another pup for company, which I think he really needs. His behaviour is so great when he’s around other dogs.

    helen, it is a bit sudden. The mister got offered a job in the middle east office of his company for a few years, so we thought, ‘well, why not?’

  2. It shouldn’t make the slightest difference to me , I know, but for some reason I felt kind of sad at the thought that you are going to live in Abu Dhabi.
    I mean, I am sure you will blog from there, of course, but I quite liked the thought I might run into you somewhere. Who knows where, but still.

    just saying.

  3. Ohhh, at least I can see, from the comments, that he’s found just as happy a home as he did in yours.

    We were thisclose (pinches fingers) to a transfer to Geneva next year, which has now changed to Melbourne. Milly the Jorgi was considered ‘welcome’ in the Swiss/French/German land and was going to come with us. Now that it’s Melbourne and we bought a house in Flemington last weekend, I’ve been ruffling her ears and trying to tell her about the park in teh next street that’s filled with fat pigeons and that SApphire’s school is still within dog walking distance….

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