Day by day

Today, the mister, he be forty three (43).

Now, I know, as does he, that 43 comes after 42, which is preceded by 41 and that by 40, which, ten years before was 30, which, in turn, is 15 after 15 and so on, and yet and all the same

forty three (43)


Happy birthday, my love. You know, you’re the oldest person I ever lived with.

5 thoughts on “Day by day”

  1. Happy birthday to your mister.

    43, she be a good, middling age and not quite yet ticking that 45 to 60 box demographic.

      1. The ads on my facebook page are generally about menopause or health issues ‘for older Australians’. A confronting demographic indeed.

        (The other day I referred to my ‘baby’ in my facebook status, meaning my 12 year old, and for a day or two the ads were all about trying to conceive, or organic infants wear. Then they reverted to hot flush medications again).

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