0 thoughts on “angels with hellos and footsteps”

  1. It’s easy. You just get rice and star pasta and whatever other small hard stuff you’ve got in the pantry, then you colour it with green food colouring. Then, you use it to make Christmas decorations with by glueing it onto all sorts of things. And then, you spend the rest of the year sweeping it into little piles.

    You can also use it to make one of those hand made shakers by tipping it into empty drink bottles. Eventually, the drink bottles will break because they’ve been hit against the wall once too often, or your child will think to themselves ‘why on earth didn’t I think to unscrew this lid before, goodness me what a waste of gross motor skills development that’s been’.

    These ideas do not have a copyright on them.

  2. Hellos, eh?

    As in ‘Your hello is slipping’, ‘I’m just polishing my hello’ and so on, I take it.

    If they were angels with goodbyes, would they be facing the other way?

  3. Hellos, eh?

    As in ‘Your hello is slipping’, ‘I’m just polishing my hello’ and so on, I take it.

    If they were angels with goodbyes, would they be facing the other way?

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