And on Fridays we shall dance

We lived in New Zealand for several years in the early and mid nineties, and I saw more music there than I ever have or ever will. Something about New Zealand music and the New Zealand sense of humour that I just loved. Also, views of volcanoes. I never got sick of seeing volcanoes. I have lots of happy music memories. This is one of my favourites. (embedding disabled)

PS Also, can you remind the mister I want this somewhere, sometime at my funeral…he’s sure to forget.

Update: lads to me, ‘okay, one more time, and then that’s enough, all right?’

0 thoughts on “And on Fridays we shall dance”

  1. When we were last in New Zealand, we took our children to play in the crater of a volcano. Long extinct, and grassed over, and deeply fascinating.

  2. for a while, we had a view of Rangitoto from our bed…I really don’t know why we moved, I would love to take my lads for picnics on volcanoes.

  3. Great song. I love NZ music.
    I’m planning funeral stuff, slowly (hopefully in time, tho). I read somewhere today of a funeral where people put eucalypt leaves in the coffin before cremation. I want that, as well as a few definite songs.

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