and I suppose I’ll have to clean it up

After fifteen minutes of rhythmic thumps, crashing sounds, hyena laughs she went out to investigate.

And that is how she discovered you can be – simultaneously – ten minutes too early and ten minutes too late.

0 thoughts on “and I suppose I’ll have to clean it up”

  1. I can’t find my camera cord to post the photo, but it involves two boys, a lot of rope, a ladder and a small mulcher. Nothing broken.

    And thanks for the nice comment – I didn’t really design the blog. It’s just a template, but I reckon that photo banner is gorgeous.

  2. It looks an awful lot like the Heysen Tunnel to me. Until I checked out the WordPress templates for myself, I assumed you had taken/found and uploaded the photo.

    As long as neither of the boys got mulched, I guess things are okay, but I’d still like to know in what way you were ten minutes too early.

  3. It looks an awful lot like the Heysen Tunnel to me. Until I checked out the WordPress templates for myself, I assumed you had taken/found and uploaded the photo.

    As long as neither of the boys got mulched, I guess things are okay, but I’d still like to know in what way you were ten minutes too early.

  4. Isn’t it 10 minutes too early when they’ve not finished yet, but you are obliged as a mother and responsible adult to stop them in their tracks?

    Like when I found my 5 year old (some time ago) on the roof of the house, convinced him calmly to come down and then he threw a tantrum because I wouldn’t let him go back up to collect his favourite stones. It would have been much better if I’d found him 5 minutes later when he was on the way down of his own accord. Then we could have had a calm exchange around the issues of safety and roofs.

  5. PC – yes, I think it looks like the Heysen Tunnel too. That’s what I like about it I think.
    The mulcher isn’t plugged in.

    SQ – correctimoso.

  6. I think I have moments like that, but I’m never too sure. As a mother I know that when it gets very quiet, I should probably start paying attention.(All the times D disappears and then reappears 10 mins later saying “hi mum”)

  7. I’m sure there’s some wise thing about perceptions of reality and being reality…if we all think it’s the Heysen Tunnel, then it is the Heysen Tunnel. Although of course now we all know that we all know that it isn’t.

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