After four bad sleeps…

It’s funny that when I looked in the mirror this morning I thought I have never looked worse and yet, I look like a photo that could be used for before.

0 thoughts on “After four bad sleeps…”

  1. Sweetie, we all look like a photo that could be used for Before. And not just sometimes. I’m talking every, ever-loving day. I don’t believe I’ve ever looked like After, not even on my wedding day. That may be because After photos are airbrushed and Photoshopped and Ford-knows-what-elsed. I feel no shame in looking Before.

  2. Yes, but yesterday I was looking particularly before. I look good today – not photoshopped good of course (I sometimes wonder whether people realise how weird they are looking on the covers of the mags these days), but at least I don’t look like my sleep was interrupted 85 times and then I got run over by a truck.

  3. I have an After photo.
    My mother wanted a family photo with one of those glamour studios – you know the ones. We went to Westfield Highpoint.
    Anyway the photo is extraordinary. I look like a starlet from Home & Away.
    I could look like that every day, if only I spent three hours each morning on my hair and makeup. And then someone walked in front of me with a soft-focus lens between me and the world.

  4. When i get my stuff out of storage I shall email it to you and then you will think I look like that all the time. Then you can pine for me, kitty-corner across the continent.

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