A waste of expensive blackberries

Last night, I made muffins which were so appalling that even my mother-in-law – a most generous and supportive and polite mother-in-law – agreed that the best place for them was the bin.

That has never happened to me before. Muffins are fool-proof.

0 thoughts on “A waste of expensive blackberries”

  1. Hey, SQ! Is the Q silent?

    Here is a way to ruin fairybread: the first time you make it, when your oldest child is still quite young and you are still full of the of the sanctimony of early parenthood and treats are okay in moderation and of course your child won’t be watching television and goodness me your child will never be threshing around on the supermarket floor because you will always treat them with rational respect and you will always be completely consistent so they will have a good understanding of limits and when no means no, when you are like that, make your fairybread with wholemeal stuff. That will ruin it everytime.

  2. I think you can buy ‘healthy’ hundreds and thousands in the supermarket these days. Perfect for your horrible wholemeal fairy bread.

    (More sanctimonious statements from The Days of Early Parenthood: my child will not have a dummy, nor will he wear a bib, he will not be put to bed in the same clothes he wore during the day, I will never yell at him, and I will certainly not toilet train him with red Smarties).


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