Up and down

Yesterday, I bought new bathers. My first new pair in 13 years if you don’t count that rather disastrous effort from last year. Which I don’t.

These bathers make me look like CatWoman. A suitably matured and rounded out CatWoman. I feel so good in them, I almost took a photo to show you. But then I saw M*rced*s C*r*y on the news last night and it kind of put me off people in bathers taking photos of themselves for all the world to see.

After I bought the bathers, I went to the ABC shop, then left when I realised the main reason for going to the ABC shop was to find my Dad a present.

0 thoughts on “Up and down”

  1. catwoman, eh… hmm…

    the first christmas without your dad is going to be hard, as will the second, third, fourth, and many more. but the first is the worst. hopefully the busy-ness of packing, etc will help keep your mind otherwise occupied!

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