What I’ve got instead of a career

Tomorrow night, I will be making my Adelaide Fringe Festival debut. This is not something I ever expected to so, but there you go.

I am part of the Titters! show on Wednesday and Thursday. It is a great show, with a bunch of excellent women comics who have been extremely welcoming. They have a lot more experience than me, and last year, they won a People’s Choice award.
I’ve got most of next week off, and then in the next week, I’ll be back in Titters as well as part of the High Beam comedy hour. In the last week of the Fringe, I’ll be part of Titters again.

And to top it off, I’ll be part of the upstART program with the Fringe. Which is, you know, as you can see, emerging artists. So, I could make some quip here about emerging at age 39, but that would be a bit obvious, wouldn’t it?

I had no idea I would be doing these things. They’ve crept up on me one by one. Until suddenly, I feel like I’m a different person. It’s exciting. Overwhelming sometimes, but exciting. And it makes my heart beat fast and my hands sweat just thinking about it.

But it’ll be ace. Really.

On the weekend, we went and watched the mister jump out of a plane.

He was skydiving.

We look much more adventurous than we really are.

If you need me, I’m down in the back yard. Rehearsing.

0 thoughts on “What I’ve got instead of a career”

  1. Sounds like a Cluedo accusation: Ms Thirdcat in the Garden with the Shifting Spanner. (Why yes, my child did receive a board game for his birthday).

    Break a leg, 3C.

  2. From the Messenger website review of Titters:

    Tracy Crisp, the librarian vegetarian, is brilliant with fantastic lines and deadpan delivery.

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